Sunday, January 10, 2010

AIS receiving statistics and some small enhancements

The receiving performance statistics are now generated for (directly connected) AIS receivers too, but only if the position of the receiver is known. There is currently no other method of uploading the position to besides sending an APRS packet (object, item, or normal position packet) on behalf of the AIS receiver. One packet is enough, there's no need to send it all the time. I'm going to implement a method to drop items/objects (and positions of other things like AIS receivers) on the map some time in the near future.

The service status page now shows the time the software was upgraded on the server.

Wildcard callsign lookup result and moving stations tables are now sortable. Callsign sorting was fixed to be alphabetic in a few other places, too.

AIS receivers now have their own green tower symbol to distinguish them from AIS base stations.

The background colour of APRS item labels is now a bit lighter, to make the name of the item more readable.

A couple of smaller bug fixes were also done, and some code re-factoring to break things into smaller parts.


  1. I found that I could not get the AIS system to work by sending a G7JVN-A object or message, instead I had to change the AIS station to G7JVN-1 and send a G7JVN-1 object. Maybe A is not a valid SSID in this case? Anyhow it is now working.

  2. The AIS method with letters in SSID doesn't work so it would be great to find a solution for this later.

    Anyhow i'm using SSID-2 until then.

    Very nice to see the coverage for the AIS receiver with this method.


  3. Letters in SSIDs are OK in object and item names, but not in source callsigns on AX.25 RF packet radio. They're OK in source callsigns on the APRS-IS, so you'll need to be connected on the internet to send a normal packet with letters in the SSID of the srccall. If that doesn't work, then... weird.

    Anyway, I'll be writing a nicer method to input the positions soon.

  4. This morning I also installed an update which shows a calculated "normal receiving range" on the RX performance graph. It drops 1% of the most distant packets (to remove propagation peaks and bad GPS fixes) and then sees how far the remaining packets are at most.
