I've also done some XHTML validity fixes for better browser compatibility, switched to a smaller position marker on the static maps, and added some navigation links in the bottom of most pages. I also fixed the bug of date selection menu not appearing when clicking on 'start tracking' on the live map.
Also, the /info/ page of a weather station now shows a brief 'latest weather' report instead of the number of weather reports in database. It's probably much more interesting, and it's much quicker to load, too, since it's almost always cached in memory and doesn't require a potentially large disk read.
Google Maps no longer load when I go into the site....
Peter: Does the problem still persist? Does maps.google.com work? And most importantly, which browser are you using, on which operating system?
get well soon
and Happy Easter
(still waiting for the ais page activation)
John, OD5RW
All of us wish you a speedy and complete recovery.
Take care....
Wayne, VE6WDM
Happy recovery! I have a little question - nothing to do with this thread - but anyway: When I search call with wildcard, like LA4FPA-*, I don´t get hit on LA4FPA. What I mean is: All other SSID´s are showing, LA4FPA-2...-5 etc, but NOT LA4FPA. May be I use wrong notation? Greetings from LA5VX Steinar in Foerde, Norway
Steinar: It's a string search. * matches any characters, so "LA4FPA-*" matches any callsign which starts with the string "LA4FPA-". "LA4FPA" does not have a "-" in the end, so it's not found. Try "LA4FPA*".
Oh, silly me!! Obvious. Tnx. -S.
I appreciate your site. As a storm spotter it is nice for the NWS, and others, to track me in the field. I do have one request. Could you enable the skywarn icon. Right now I am a moving house with an antenna. Other websites have the updated aprs symbols.
Thanks again for a very useful tool.
I should at least give you the symbol code...
Very nice site & service, thx!
73, Ken - WB9REQ
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