The static map page can now display up to 20 targets at the same time! Just enter the calls, separated by a comma. It works with wildcards, too, letting you select multiple matches simultaneously. For example:
The exact matches (rautauoma and oh2rdk) are preselected, and the wildcard matches are not.
Implementing this on the live map will be slightly more complicated, but unavoidable. :)
PS. Got my OT2 running with my Garmin Nüvi 350 today. Details will be posted later. It's very cool indeed.
Cool, that adds some functionality that I've been looking for... Is it possible to have the APRS icons rather than the default push-pins? That would be great.
The other thing would be to be able to request stations by icon type with a specified center station, or location. I want to be able to see all the digipeaters near a station.
Yeah, everytime you add a feature, people want more!
Thanks for adding more functionality... you continue to impress!!!
VE6SRV: Unfortunately the Google Static Maps API does not have a feature add custom icons, so push-pins will have to do for now.
Once the new multiple-target lookup functionality is integrated with the live map (and other views), I'll start adding features in it.
It'd be really handy to be able to see other stations around the specified callsign. Older blackberries have a lot of challenges displaying the Ajaxy maps thus we pretty much have to work with static maps :(
'73 Matthew
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